Nonlinearity of optimized silicon photonic slot waveguides

Spatial Nonlinearity in Anisotropic Metamaterial Plasmonic ... Spatial Nonlinearity in Anisotropic Metamaterial Plasmonic Slot Waveguides ... silicon (a-Si:H) [9] due to its high intrinsic third-order non-linearity around the telecommunication wavelength and to its manufacturing capabilities. In [6], nonlinear guided waves were investigated in

Vallaitis, T. et al. Highly nonlinear silicon photonic slot waveguides without free carrier absorption related speed-limitations. Proc. 34rd European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'08 ... Highly-Nonlinear Silicon Photonics Slot Waveguide 2. Highly Nonlinear SOI Slot Waveguides and Optimization for Maximum Nonlinearity The structure of the highly nonlinear silicon on insulator slot waveguide is shown in Fig. 1(a). Its core consists of two silicon (Si) ribs on a silicon buffer (SiO2). The slot waveguide is filled and covered with a Kerr-type nonlinear organig cladding (NL). Silicon Nanoridge Array Waveguides for Nonlinear and Sensing ... Silicon Nanoridge Array Waveguides for Nonlinear and Sensing Applications Matthew W. Puckett1,3*, Rajat Sharma1,*, Felipe Vallini1, Shiva Shahin1, Faraz Monifi1, Peter N. Barrina1, Soroush Mehravar2, Khanh Kieu2, and Yeshaiahu Fainman1 Nonlinearity of optimized silicon photonic slot waveguides Abstract Not Available Bibtex entry for this abstract Preferred format for this abstract (see Preferences): Find Similar Abstracts:

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The normalized power and intensity in the slot versus slot width. Designing and Prototyping Silicon Waveguides. Fabricating such an optical waveguide prototype and then analyzing it is resource intensive. An alternate, preferred approach is to use numerical tools such as the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. All-optical high-speed signal processing with silicon–organic ... 4-mm-long silicon–organic hybrid waveguide with a record nonlinearity coefficient of g 13105 W21 km21 and perform all-optical demultiplexing of 170.8 Gb s21 to 42.7 Gb s21. This is—to the best of our knowledge—the fastest silicon photonic optical signal processing demonstrated. Silicon processing technology has developed to the extent that Experimental GVD engineering in slow light slot photonic ... The use in silicon photonics of the new optical materials developed in soft matter science (e.g. polymers, liquids) is delicate because their low refractive index weakens the confinement of light ...

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insulator (SOI) strip and slot waveguides are shown as insets of Figure 1. They comprise of silicon (Si) ribs on a silica (SiO 2) buffer. The waveguides are filled and covered with a Kerr-type nonlinear (NL) organic cladding (DDMEBT) [3] with a refractive index of n = 1.8. The nonlinearity of the slot waveguides is

Nonlinearity of optimized silicon photonic slot ... On-chip integratable all-optical quantizer using strong ... nonlinear silicon-organic hybrid slot waveguides. ...

We demonstrate low-loss slot waveguides on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. Waveguides oriented along the (11-2) direction on the Si (110) plane were first fabricated by a standard e-beam lithography and dry etching process. A TMAH based anisotropic wet etching technique was then used to remove any residual side wall roughness. Using this fabrication technique propagation loss as low as 3 ... All-optical high-speed signal processing with silicon ... A silicon–organic hybrid slot waveguide with a strong optical nonlinearity is demonstrated to perform ultrafast all-optical demultiplexing of high-bit-rate data streams. Nonlinear silicon photonics - IOPscience Silicon photonics is a technology based on fabricating integrated optical circuits by using the same paradigms as the dominant electronics industry. After twenty years of fervid development, silicon photonics is entering the market with low cost, high performance and mass-manufacturable optical devices.

Highly-Nonlinear Silicon Photonics Slot Waveguide 2. Highly Nonlinear SOI Slot Waveguides and Optimization for Maximum Nonlinearity The structure of the highly nonlinear silicon on insulator slot waveguide is shown in Fig. 1(a). Its core consists of two silicon (Si) ribs on a silicon buffer (SiO2). The slot waveguide is filled and covered with a Kerr-type nonlinear organig cladding (NL).